Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Peep Sitting

Well I've made it thru 3.5 days of watching Susie-Q's birds. I've pasted pictures of them below.....unfortunately the cages are in the way .....trust me....that's the only way me and the peeps get along. Aside from the usual fare of seeds and fruit I've given the peeps toast with butter, mini quiche and half a Timmy's breakfast sandwich. I'm not sure if they liked the Timmy's sandwich but I guess I'll see when I get back tonight......who doesn't love Timmy's?

Below is Cowboy he's one of my favorites ( I think he's a momma's boy) he seems to be the only one that speaks he can say Hi and bub bye....Cowboy tells me bub bye when I'm coming and going.....ever get the feeling you don't belong?

Below is Violet she squawks at me for no apparent reason other then to hear her own voice....or she may just be telling what's what. She's pretty cute when she's facing forward she's got a beautiful purpleish/blue chest. She also likes to help change her food dishes by pushing them out or pulling them in.

This is Louie.....she's called Lu Lu. You know how there's one in every bunch.....well Lu Lu is the "one" in this bunch. She's the bossy boots of the roost. For the first few days when I was watching the peeps, everytime I'd go near Lu Lu's cage she'd do a fake dive bomb in my direction......made me jump a few times. After reminding myself that there's a cage between me and Lu Lu and...that I'm bigger...and the boss. I started telling her no and to be a good girl this makes her stop and stare at me.......I think she's watching and accessing my moves planning the ultimate attack.

Here is R2...... I'm sweet on him....not only because he wolf whistles at me in the mornings before I head to work (all though it does help.....ALOT) but because the poor guy is kept inline by Lu Lu......she sits in the cage next to him and and squawks if he...breaths in the wrong direction... she defiantly wears the pants in that relationship.

Last but by far least is Goliath, he's the biggest of them all...and the wimpiest.... he's Kyanna's favorite she changes his dishes for him and gives him lots of attention.....I'm not sure if he enjoys the attention he's been gettin....but it can't be all that bad he's still got all his feathers.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I have this friend (yup another friend) who lives down the street from me her name is Susan...aka..Susie-Q, she's got a hubby Duane..aka..Hubba Hubba Harley Duane, a dog named Pedro...he's Cindy-Lou's boyfriend and 5 birds...ya... you read correctly....5 birds.

Susie-Q and Duane have taken little Pedro and gone off to Calgary (home for them) for a few weeks and they have left their 5 birds in my care. MWWHAHAHWAHHAHAHA

Tomorrow is my first day watching Susie-Q's "peeps", stay tuned and I'll introduce you.

Monday, January 22, 2007

In Memory Of

Carol-Jean Downer

Oct 9 1951 - Jan 23 2003

As many of you know I lost my mother 4 years ago today to Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Today I want to remind all my family and friends to get that pesky mole, skin patch or lump looked at. A few months make all the difference.
This year I plan to do the weekend to end breast cancer 3 day 60km walk in Vancouver. I'll be begging for donations in a few months if you want to check it out beforehand copy and past the below in your browser. http://va07.endcancer.ca/site/PageServer?pagename=va07_homepage
xoxoxoxox Vict

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Our week in a nutshell!
On Monday Ian (Steve) and I decided to no longer sit on our cushy behinds and dwell about the insane weather but insted we decided to continue painting the house. We pulled the washer and dryer out from the laundry room (closet really) and removed the rotting linoleum. We found some ceramic tiles and grit left behind by the previous owners in our shed... and to our surprise there is more then enough to do the floor in the laundry room. Unfortunately that "fun" will have to wait as we do not own the special tool used for cutting ceramic tiles. We instead decided to just paint the laundry room... it is officially now a lovely tan color….a whole lot better then the nasty blue it was…sigh…I can now do my laundry with a smile…ish..seriously who smiles while doing laundry.

On Wednesday it was Mumsie's birthday,

On Thursday Cindy Lou turned two! ... I could almost write a Dr. Suess book!


This week at Kyanna's school it was "school spirit" week, Monday was Crazy Hat day, Tuesday was Jersey day, Wednesday was Teddy Bear Picnic day (they brought a teddy bear), Thursday was Hippy day (wish I took a picture it was SO cute) and last but not least Friday was Crazy Hair day, below are the pictures of Kyanna's Crazy Hair.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Holiday pictures........and some


Oh No!! Proof that we like each other...should I be posting this kind of evidence????


In Early December Victoria got a rare snow storm, below are the pictures of us "suffering" due to PRA and the School closing for the day.

Kyanna and her "snow daddy" (tee hee)

Kyanna and Steve building a snow family

The final product......The Snow Gilks!!!!


Christmas this year was insane aside from receiving a HUGE box of presents in the mail from a certain brother in-law and then my sister who I swear shopped all year, Kyanna was absolutely spoiled.

Here's a picture of Kyanna opening the only gift she asked for from Santa......the biggest my little petshop in the world.....It was a hard one to find, after searching all the stores in Victoria Santa had to order it from cold and icy Ft. McMurray.

Here's a picture of my sister and I on Christmas morning....yaaaahhh.... I"m still in my jammies....thanks for the photo OP big g.

Here's a picture of Kyanna opening some bath beads from Santa, she loves her bath beads.

Here's a picture of Kyanna digging under the tree looking for a present.....Seriously this cracks me up everytime I see it!

Monday, January 1, 2007


Hello all G's in Victoria and Toronto, I wish you a very happy New Year. May the road slope downwards, the wind be at your back, you win the lottery, keep supplying me with home-made jam (delicious, Kyanna!) and tipsy Christmas pudding (wonderful, Niall!) but most of all, that you keep good health and stay in touch with each other. Hope 2007 is a safe, happy and contented year for us all.

Fondest love,

Nana G